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The headline article "Student opinions mixed on Campus Council changes" reports on the lukewarm response to an issues-based rather than group-based Campus Council. "Physics professor awarded research grant" reflects on Dr. Susan Lehman's research grant gifted by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The News Section also reports on the largest donation at that point in the college's history, gifted by Ruth Whitmore and A. Morris Williams. In Features, the Voice discusses the Improv club Don't Throw Shoes' expansion in both membership and show frequency. Another article, "Recommended running routes around campus," gives readers a beginner and expert route to run in the neighborhood. Arts and Entertainment articles include "Wonderland succeeds despite numerous flaws," a review of the show Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, an article on an orchestra and jazz concert, and an article on a performance by the Emerson String Quartet in the First Presbyterian Church. In Sports, there are articles on volleyball, cross country, and senior athletes.

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campus council, research grant, physics professor, Williams donation, donations, philanthropy, racism, climate change, Buzzfeed, Don't Throw Shoes, running, running on campus, Wooster jazz ensemble, Wooster orchestra, Emerson string quartet, volleyball, cross country, senior athletes

Subject Heading

College student government; Research grants; Gifts; Endowments; Comedy; Running; Orchestra; Jazz; Volleyball; Track and field

The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2013-10-18
