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The front page story "Campus Life works to fix broken housing selection process" assesses the student body's distrust with the housing lottery system. "Wooster ranks poorly in 'return on investment'" reports on an article by The Daily Beast that ranks Wooster eighth out of twenty on the worst returns on investment. The Features section looks at the rechartering of Kappa Epsilon Zeta (KEZ) along with an article on sexual content and alochol use. In Arts and Entertainment, there are articles on a screening of a documentary about Islamic Art and The Goliard, the literary magazine on campus, reviving the Covers tradition at Wooster in the Underground. The Sports section includes articles on football, volleyball, and senior athletes.

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Campus life, housing lottery, Residence life, Holden annex, The daily beast, return on investment, freedom of the press, libel, handicap access, conservatism, Christianity, KEZ club, Kappa epsilon zeta, hook up culture, sexual assault, Islamic art, Covers, The Goliard, football, volleyball, senior athletes

Subject Heading

Dormitories; Rate of return; Greek letter societies; Islamic art; Periodical editors; Football; Volleyball

The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2013-11-01
