Senior Independent Study Theses from 2024
Mechanics of an Absorptive Anisotropic Particle Under The Influence of An External Electromagnetic Field, Yohannes N. Abateneh
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Measuring the Enthalpy Change upon Swelling of Swellable Organically-Modified Silica with High-Resolution Solution Calorimetry, Nicholas Gaba
Department: Chemistry; Physics
Investigating Different Methods of Measuring Local Angle and Global Angle of Repose of a Conical Bead Pile, Amanuel Jissa
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Testing the Accuracy of GALFIT Bulge-Disk Decomposition on Realistic Python Based Simulations of Distant Disk Galaxies, Abrar Khondker
Department: Physics
Interevent Time Correlations for Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile, Juhyeong Kim
Department: Physics
Fabricating a Flow Chemistry System to Investigate Reaction-Diffusion Waves in Advected Belousov-Zhabotinsky Systems, Aidan R. Mason
Department: Physics
Determining the Motion of an Anisotropic Particle Around an Optical Nanofiber, Kelsey A. McEwen
Department: Physics
Anisotropic and Relativistic Diffusion with Partial Differential Equations, Luke Wilson
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2023
Improving the Accuracy of GALFIT in Measuring the Morphological Properties of Multi-Component Disk Galaxies, Whitford Dean Brown
Department: Physics
Probability Analysis of Time Intervals Surrounding Large Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile, Harrison Clayman
Department: Physics
Simulating Reaction-Diffusion Waves to Model Gravitational Lensing, Daniel Cohen-Cobos
Department: Computer Science; Physics
A Two-Photon Investigation of a Material's Nonlinear Susceptibility, Olivia R. Green
Department: Physics
An Investigation of Criticality: Characterizing Motion on a Conical Bead Pile, Davis K. Patterson
Department: Physics
Analysis of Nonlinear Phase Accumulation from Transformations of the Polarization States of Light in Connection to Quantum Information, Raisa Tasnim Raofa
Department: Mathematics; Physics
The Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction and its Photo-Sensitive Metal Complex Catalysts, Michael L. Scarberry
Department: Chemistry; Physics
Modelling Stable Equilibrium Orientations of a Submerged Dipolar Particle in an Electromagnetic Field, John P. Schmidt
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Studying the Halo of the Nearby M104 Galaxy through Galaxy Decomposition using GALFIT, Connor T. Streeter
Department: Physics
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2022
Isotropic Particle Trajectories Around A Light Emitting Optical Nanofiber, Bennett W. Anderson
Department: Physics
Testing The Accuracy Of Galfit In Measuring The Morphological Properties Of Multi-Component Disk Galaxies And Exploring The Working Of The Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm Used In Optimization, Shivam Bhasin
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Designing An Apparatus For Creating 1D Standing Waves Using Reaction-Diffusion-Advection Systems, William J. Hilbert
Department: Physics
Measuring A Nonlinear Phase Accumulation For Cyclic And Non-Cyclic Adiabatic Transformations Of The Polarization State Of Light, Jonathan Davis Logan
Department: Physics
Determining Growth And Evolution Methods For Galaxies In The Goods-S Field At 0.8 < Z < 1.2, Lillian E. Miller
Department: Physics
Investigating A Material’s Nonlinear Susceptibility Using Entangled Photons, Benjamin Stern
Department: Physics
Angular Frequency Of Rotating Spiral Waves In A Chemical Reaction-Diffusion System, Melita F. Wiles
Department: Physics
Studying The Halos Of Nearby Galaxies In The Heron Survey Through Galaxy Decomposition Using Galfit, Haoge Yan
Department: Physics
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2021
Measuring properties of entangled photons using the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, Mili Barai
Department: Physics
Creating an Event Horizon Analogue with the Belosouv-Zhabotinsky Reaction, Megan Anne Fisher
Department: Physics
Free-Fall Spinning-Planet Tunnel Transportation Network, Yuchen Gan
Department: Physics
The Effect of Varied Paneling Characteristics on the Predictability of Soccer Ball Flight, Daniel Halbing
Department: Physics
Solvent Dependence and Thermodynamics of Swell Pressure Generation by Swellable Organically-Modified Silica: Progress Towards a Physical Model to Explain Swelling, Mattaeus J. Klonowski
Department: Chemistry; Physics
A Case of Heartburn: Replicating the Heart's Electrical Signals with Fire, Craig Klumpp
Department: Physics
Examining Light-Matter Interactions Through Two Photon Entanglement, Andrew M. Kunkel
Department: Physics
Propellant-less Space Travel with Tethers:Swimming in Space using an Asteroid's Gravity Gradient., Gentaro Nakata
Department: Physics
Trajectory of an Anisotropic Particle Near a Light-Transmitting Optical Nanofiber, Carlos Owusu-Ansah
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Energy Conservation: Harnessing Excess Thermal Energy and Converting to Electricity by Use of the Thermoelectric Effect, Katherine Shideler
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Investigation of Fire Propagation using Discrete Tree Simulations., Handeul Son
Department: Physics
An Investigation of PIVlab and Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile, Henry Whyte
Department: Physics
Exoplanets Sunsets, Xinchen Xie
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Alien Sunsets on Tumbling Asteroid_Fish Yu, Yang Yu
Department: Physics
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2020
Using Gaia DR2 to Observe Stellar Streams and Dark Matter Distribution in the Milky Way, Abigail E. Ambrose
Department: Physics
A Study of Avalanches on a Conical Beadpile, Adam Deeley
Department: Physics
Phase Memory of Photos, William C. Julius
Department: Physics
Investigation of Galaxy Disk Formation at 0.8 < z < 1.2., Nicholas B. Rosner
Department: Physics
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2019
Watching Sunsets in Exoplanet Skies, Hwan Bae
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Propagation of light-sensitive reaction-diffusion waves in inhomogeneously illuminated systems, Daniel Blaikie
Department: Physics
Orbital Debris Proliferation and the Evolution of the Space Sustainability Norm, Carson Wesley Simkins Bullock
Department: Physics; Political Science
Spacetime Engineering: Time-Slowing Space-Expanding Lunchbox, Haidar Esseili
Department: Physics; Mathematics
Spiraling into Control: Spiral Density Wave Structure of Gaia DR2 Galactic Radial Velocities, Chase A. Fuller
Department: Physics
Determining the Accuracy of GALFIT in Morphology Measurement of Galaxies from Image Analysis, Vincent W.H. Hui
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Decomposing the Nearby NGC 720 Galaxy, Benjamin I. Jenkins
Department: Physics
An Investigation of Angle of Repose and Surface Activity of a Conical Bead Pile, David L. Morrow
Department: Physics
Using Belousov–Zhabotinsky waves as an anologue to the event horizon of a blackhole., Samuel Van Loon Nash
Department: Physics
Slope's Effect On Discrete Tree Fire Simulations, Joseph Glenn Theiss
Department: Physics
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2018
Exploring the Dynamics of a Small Dielectric Sphere due to the Higher-order Modes of an Optical Nanofiber, Emma Brinton
Department: Physics
Employing a System of Pressure Sensors to Characterize Avalanche Dynamics on a Conical Bead Pile, Gabriel Dale-Gau
Department: Physics
Attacking the Curve: A Study on the Effect of Concavity on Aerodynamic Forces Associated with High Speed Automobiles, Collin Hendershot
Department: Physics
A Visual Investigation of Criticality: Avalanche Classification on a Conical Bead Pile, Kyle McNickle
Department: Physics
Modified Propagation of Anomalous Belousov-Zhabotinsky Waves in a Quasi-1D System, Jack S. Mershon
Department: Physics
Local Analogues: Comparing a 12-inch Telescope to the Hubble, Nathaniel Moore
Department: Physics
A Computational Simulation of Belousov-Zhabotinsky Wave Behavior around Obstacles, Nathaniel J. Smith
Department: Physics
An Investigation into the Lambert-Beer Law in Incoherent Broad-Band Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy, Zane R. Thornburg
Department: Chemistry; Physics
Studying Universality with Physics Engines: Accelerating Granular Flow on GPUs with OpenCL & CUDA, Avi Vajpeyi
Department: Physics; Computer Science
Dancing Our Way to the Cosmos: A Study in How Extraterrestrial Travel Will Change The Mechanics of Dance, Justine Walker
Department: Physics; Theatre and Dance
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2017
Transient Absorption of CdSiP2 and ZnGeP2, Herokazu Endo
Department: Physics
Chaos Dynamics in Rotation of the Small Moons of Pluto, Alexander R. Gould
Department: Computer Science; Physics
C//, Roy Hadfield
Department: Physics
Development of a Turbulent Fluid Flow Simulation Using the k-omega Turbulence Model, Dylan Hamilton
Department: Physics
On the Creation of a Lab Sized Hydrodynamic Event Horizon Analogue, Marc E. Manheim
Department: Physics
The Effects of Slope upon Propagation Speed and Pattern Formation in Forest Fires, Robin M.P. Morillo
Department: Physics
Blinded by the Light: An Investigation of the Wave Propagation of Vector Modes of Light in a Spherically Symmetric Refractive Index Profile, Preston B. Pozderac
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Understanding Mental Causation in the Enlightenment of Top-down Causation in the Physical Systems, Ziyi Sang
Department: Philosophy; Physics
Optical Tractor Beam: Force on A Small Nanobead, Michael S. Wolff
Department: Physics
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2016
A Comparative Analysis of Photon and Electron Wave Functions in Spherically Symmetric Potentials, Michael Bush
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Buildiing a Setup to Investigate Reaction-Diffusion-Advection Systems, Mitchell S. Gavin
Department: Physics
Period Doubling in Bubbling from a Submerged Nozzle, Laura Grace
Department: Physics
Nonlinear Dynamics: Analysis of Stellar Data Sets, Colm C. Hall
Department: Physics
Charge Carrier Characteristics in Doped Semiconductor Heterostructures, Nathan S. D. E. F. Johnson
Department: Physics
Manipulation of Polarized Transverse Spatial Modes to Induce Non-Linear Structures using the Geometric Phase, Drew C. King-Smith
Department: Physics
Analog Quantum Simulator, Matthew C. King-Smith
Department: Physics
Excitation Waves in Planar, Inhomogeneously Illuminated Systems, Spencer L. Kirn
Department: Physics
The Production and Manipulation of Nonseparable Spin-Orbit Modes of Light Under Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference Conditions, Maggie E. Lankford
Department: Physics
Modal Analysis of Light Propagating Through Structurally Disturbed Optical Fibers, Yashasvi Lohia
Department: Physics
Stochastic Resonance in a Mechanical Bistable System, Noah P. Megregian
Department: Physics
Strange Nonchaotic Pendulum, Calvin Milligan
Department: Physics
Creating Quasi Two-dimensional, Curved Molds With 3D-printing Technology, Diego Miramontes Delgado
Department: Physics
An Experimental and Mathematical Study of Avalanche Behavior in a Critical Conical Bead Pile, Paroma Palchoudhuri
Department: Mathematics; Physics
An Experimental and Mathematical Study of Avalanches in a Critical Conical Bead Pile, Paroma Palchoudhuri
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Air Powered One-Way Arrays, Graham L. Schattgen
Department: Physics
Critical Systems: An Exploration of Cohesion and the Moments of Distribution, Nathan Stone
Department: Physics
A Quantum Monte Carlo Study of Hard-core Bosons on a Pyrochlore Lattice with Six-site Ring-exchange Interactions, Catherine E. Tieman
Department: Physics
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2015
Modeling the Optical Emission Line Profiles of Active Galactic Nuclei: Working Towards a Continuous Optical Classification Scheme Beyond Type 1/Type 2, Shawn M. Bowman
Department: Physics
Understanding the Origin of Swelling Force in Organically Modified Silica, Evan J. Hagedorn
Department: Chemistry; Physics
Theoretical Resonance Calculations for the Isobaric Analogs 133-Sn and 133-Sb, Nicolae Istrate
Department: Physics
Stopping Power Analysis of 37K, 44Cl, and 71 Br Incident on a He:CO2 (9:1) Gas Target, Min Sung Kim
Department: Art and Art History; Physics
Modifying the Virasoro-Shapiro Amplitude to Correspond to the Glueball Trajectory, Brian Forrest Maddock
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Relativistic Perturbations and Ontological Implications: Exploring the Zitterbewegung and Laying the Groundwork for a Quantum Ontology, Saul B. Propp
Department: Philosophy; Physics
Archimedes Drill Propulsion, Jairaj Ranchod
Department: Physics
Topological Defects in Nematic Liquid Crystals and the Behavior Induced by Adding Polystyrene Microspheres to 5CB, Joseph R. Smith
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Solitons and their Symmetries: A Mathematical Analysis, Amanda Lynn Steinhebel
Department: Mathematics; Physics
Avalanches on a Critical Conical Bead Pile: Exploration of Tuning Parameter Space and Mathematical Foundations, Elliot Wainwright
Department: Mathematics; Physics