
After the Second World War, Europe found itself searching for a way to forget the horrors of mass global conflict, and prevent something like this from ever happening again. It was in the second half of the 20th century that Europe began to transition into a new form of government. A cohesive, central, continental governing body was created over several decades and became known as the European Union. Maintaining and operating a centralized government in a continent composed of bitter rivals, different histories, and complicated histories was a challenge on its own. When non-Europeans seeking a new lease on life began entering Europe, these challenges were enhanced. Immigration in Europe has been the source of much discussion today, but it is not a new issue. How has the European Union dealt with immigration? What has the central governing body for European politics done to cope with enormous waves of immigrants? What will happen to the European Union if its member-states begin to question the authority of the EU? What does the European Union believe their role in Europe is meant to be? Will the EU’s process of dealing with the immigration crisis answer these questions?


Hettinger, Madonna




European History | Political History | Social History


Immigration, Refugee, European Union, Integration, Homogenous

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2020 Nicholas Groves Gargaro