"The Frontier Shifts of Edges Becoming centers: Gentrification Challeng" by Anthony M. Cisneros


The present text explores an interview-based study which examines the reconstructions of culture identity within Gentrified neighborhoods in Chicago, Illinois. Specifically, the neighborhoods of Logan Square and Wicker Park. Discourse on this topic has increased over the past few years due to these changes happening all over cities not only in Chicago but all over the United States. Thus, there are many implications of this process that need further exploration to examine the shifts of identity when neighborhoods experience this new frontier. For these reasons, my study investigates how social cultures are impacted by the changes of the Gentification process and answer the question of what culture looks like after the upscaling of neighborhoods. A total ten interviews were conducted to collect data. Using Sharon Zukin’s theory of the culture of cities, David Harvey’s theory of right to the city, and Albert Hunter’s theory of symbolic communities. My conclusions discovered that culture identity is very diverse and that there are new forms of local identity being developed within these neighborhoods.


Fitz Gibbon, Heather


Sociology and Anthropology


Civic and Community Engagement | Community-Based Research | Race and Ethnicity


Gentrification, urban change, cities, economy

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2019 Anthony M. Cisneros