"An Investigation of the Relationship between Government Purchases and " by Tailun Chen


This study investigates the relationship between government purchases and conspicuous consumption and carries out an empirical analysis of their relationship in Korea and in the United States. This study hypothesizes that conspicuous consumption is positively affected by government purchases. Economic theories, such as fiscal policy, Ricardian and non-Ricardian consumer theory, and the Veblen effect, have been addressed to systematically examine the relationship between government purchases and conspicuous consumption. Data from CEIC and FRED in the fiscal years of 2003 to 2017 have been selected based on two countries, Korea and the United States, to test the above hypothesis. Results were found to be significant for the relationship between government purchases and conspicuous consumption in both countries, which validated the hypothesis of a positive relationship between government purchases and conspicuous consumption.


Jia, Bijie


Business Economics


Fashion Business


Government purchases, Conspicuous consumption, Veblen effect

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2018 Tailun Chen