"“Intercultural Exchange”: Analyzing The Exchange of Femininity and Mas" by Brandi Clarke


In this paper, I intend to analyze the intercultural exchange of masculinity and femininity between the East Asian community and the African American community. There has been a huge influx of East Asian rappers establishing their place within the industry I America. The artists utilize the platform of hip-hop to combat stereotypes of Asian Americans that are still used within the media. The model minority myth, the emasculation of East Asian men, and the exoticization of East Asian women are stereotypes typically fought in the products of East Asian rapper. The American hip-hop industry has gained international success within the global music industry. The art form gives those of different global backgrounds a spotlight to shine on their stories. In my research, I will be addressing how the two marginalized groups have borrowed aspects from each other’s culture and how these cultural elements have helped the two groups redefine themselves. This project will not only provide an analysis on this distribution of culture, but will also provide the reader with an in-depth examination of the importance of the relationship between African Americans and East Asians.


Bonk, James


East Asian Studies


Chinese Studies | East Asian Languages and Societies | Japanese Studies | Korean Studies


Hip-Hop, K-pop, Masculinity, Femininity, African American, East Asian

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2018 Brandi Clarke