"Get Out of Town: An Analysis of the Chicago Public Transportation Syst" by Grace E. Billiter

Alternative Title

An Analysis of Chicago's Public Transit System on Neighborhood Stability


This study analyzes the influence of public transportation on urban neighborhood stability. It postulates that transit will increase access to employment opportunities, which will subsequently generate urban neighborhood stability. Various theories are reviewed to provide a conceptual framework for the empirical analysis this study conducts. Neighborhood stability, employment and immobility, modal choice, and institutional transit authorities are analyzed and arranged to provide a directional frame. Additionally, a review of the relevant literature is included for context and to situate the present study within the growing sub-field of urban studies. City of Chicago census tracts are analyzed. A sequential multi-variate regression model is estimated to analyze data from publicly available sources to see the statistical, indirect influence on public transportation on neighborhood stability via employment. This study finds that there is, in fact, a link between public transportation and urban neighborhood stability. Public transportation positively influences employment levels, which in turn positively affect urban Chicago’s neighborhood stability. Finally, Policy implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.


Burnell, James


Urban Studies


Civic and Community Engagement | Growth and Development | Human Geography | Inequality and Stratification | Policy Design, Analysis, and Evaluation | Public Affairs | Social Policy | Social Statistics | Transportation | Urban, Community and Regional Planning | Urban Studies | Urban Studies and Planning


public transportation, chicago, urban studies, neighborhood stability

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2017 Grace E. Billiter