
This project is a creative exploration of modern film review. I begin by tracing the evolution of film criticism from its humble beginnings up through the present day. I note the various changes in the film industry that have created significant shifts in the world of film criticism. I explore the rise and fall of the film critic as the tastemaker and the ways in which the cultural hierarchy of high, middle, and lowbrow has shaped film criticism through the century. I explain the modern film critic as one who creates a fictional persona to critique works in the form of video reviews, using several examples of critics I admire. I conclude the project with my own exploration of the critic as character; I wrote three scripts reviewing film adaptations of Philip K. Dick's stories We Can Remember It For You Wholesale, A Scanner Darkly, and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?


Prendergast, Thomas


English; Film Studies


American Film Studies | Literature in English, North America | Nonfiction | Other Film and Media Studies

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2015 Margot Bruce