"The Fight to Exist: An Examination of Racial Identities on The College" by Kenneth Perry Jr


In this Independent Study, I will analyze, research, and locate the functionality of verbal, mental and physical abuse, within the boundaries of race and its performativity. Within this research I will examine how the racial identities of African Americans, Latino/a and Asian Americans have become prone to “abuse” on the College of Wooster Campus. To become informed about the different views on these issues, I will be conducting interviews with those of the selected minority groups and examining their truths about their identities. When the interviews are complete a few of their stories will be incorporated into the overall analysis within the Independent Study that includes script analysis.


Jimmy Noriega


Theatre and Dance


Theatre and Performance Studies

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2013 Kenneth Perry Jr