"The Fight to Exist: a Examination of Racial Identities on the College " by Kenneth Perry Jr


In this Independent Study, I will analyze, research, and locate the functionality of verbal, mental and physical abuse, within the boundaries of race. Within this research I will examine how the racial identities of African Americans, Latino/a and Asian Americans, have become prone to "abuse" on the College of Wooster Campus. To become informed about the different views on these issues, I will be conducting interviews with those of the selected minority groups and examining their truths about their identities. When the interviews are complete a few of their stories will be incorporated into the overall analysis within the Independent Study that includes script analysis.


Noriega, Jimmy


Theatre and Dance


Other Theatre and Performance Studies | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2013 Kenneth Perry Jr