
This project explores the design and implementation of a micromouse, an autonomous mobile robot, to navigate mazes. This work encompasses the development of the micromouse’s hardware components required for a successful micromouse,
such as motors, sensors, processors, wheel layouts, vacuum components, and custom printable circuit boards. A full blueprint and description of a functional
micromouse, with all of its sub-components, is presented. It then covers the creation of a micromouse maze for those with a limited budget. Additionally, it delves into the rules of micromouse competition before discussing the software aspect by examining and implementing various maze-exploration and maze-solving algorithms like the Left Wall Follower, Depth-first Search, Breadth-first Search, Flood Fill, and A* Algorithm. These algorithms were tested in simulation to evaluate their effectiveness in solving mazes. The purpose of the study is to understand the intricacies of micromouse design and the practical application of maze exploration and solving strategies in competition.


Guarnera, Heather


Computer Science


robotics competition, micromouse, robot, maze, maze solving

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



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