
Geologic cross-sections show us a history of the Earth and are an important tool in understanding historic geology. We develop a fully automated, open-source workflow that utilizes large datasets to construct sections of the state of Ohio with no input from the user other than the ends of the section. The implementation uses GemPy, an open-source python geomodeling library, to build models from real, freely available geologic and topographic data. Cross-sections are extracted from these 3D models and plotted using the python plotting library matplotlib. Resulting sections show the overall structure of the geology and the general time period it originates from. This implementation can rapidly produce low-cost sections (compared with manually intensive or proprietary systems), and it provides a foundation for future augmentations such as the inclusion of well and borehole data and improved accuracy for the pre-Ordovician and post-Permian time periods.


Palmer, Daniel


Computer Science


Databases and Information Systems | Geology


geologic cross-section, automation, python, GemPy, Ohio Geology

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



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