"How Black Women Experience International Travel: A Racial Rhetorical A" by Olivia James


Black women travelers have longed been overlooked in both academia and the general tourism market. Black women are left to wonder if general travel tips and destination suggestions will garner the same satisfaction as their White peers. As a result, Black women have created niche online communities that aid other Black international travelers. Stephanie Perry is a popular Black YouTuber who cultivates an intentional travel community; helping viewers navigate international spaces and promoting international travel. I apply the method of rhetorical criticism through the lens of Critical Race Theory to analyze two of Stephanie Perry’s most popular videos, Worst Countries for Black Travelers and Countries Where Black Travelers Feel Welcome. I discovered how Black women evaluate their international trips based on the prevalence of constrained or expansive space.


Bostdorff, Denise


Communication Studies


storytelling, constrained space, expansive space, identities, intersectionality, travel

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2022 Olivia James