Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The Accuracy of the Ethnographic Data by La Page Du Pratz about the Natchez, Jensen Buchanan
The Accuracy of the Ethnohistoric Data by La Page Du Pratz about the Natchez, Jensen L. Buchanan
Department: Archaeology; Sociology and Anthropology
Further Down the Spiral: Analyzing Calleva Atrebatum in the Context of Collapse and Abandonment During the Withdrawal of Roman Britain, Peregrine Grosch
Department: Archaeology
Further Down the Spiral: Analyzing Calleva Atrebatum in the Context of Collapse and Abandonment During the Withdrawl of Roman Britain, Peregrine Grosch
Confronting Archaeology's Political Nature: An Evaluation of Archaeology as a Tool of Social Action in the Post Conflict Societies of Spain and the Former Yugoslavia, Allison C. Ham
Department: Archaeology
Pella: Tomb of the Goblets: A Reevaluation of Objects from Tomb 1, Blair Heidkamp
An Investigation of Cultural Identity: A Comparison of Mortuary, Ceramic, and Architectural Traditions between Cerro Magoni, Teotihuacan, and Northwestern Mexico, Emily J. Kate
Department: Archaeology; Sociology and Anthropology
If You Were Buried In A Ship, You Might Be A Viking: An Investigation of Scandinavian Influence Over Anglo-Saxon Identity in Mortuary Practices, Kathryn Z. Libby
Department: Archaeology; History
If You Were Buried in a Ship, You Might be a Viking: An Investigation of Scandinavian Influence Over Anglo-Saxon Identity in Mortuary Practices, Kathryn Zoe Libby
Finding the Thread of Transmission: An Examination of Hohokam Ceramic Production Through Regional Distribution and Production Patterns, Anna Mazin
Department: Archaeology
The Queen's Serpent: An Examination of the Iconography on the War Serpent Vessel from Burian 61 at El Peru-Waka, Sarah Van Oss
Upper Paleolithic Cave Art, Lauren Perrino
Canaan as a Contested Periphery: An Investigation of the Core and Peripheral Cultural Interactions of the Early Bronze Age Levant through World-Systems Analysis, Brian Porrett
Department: Archaeology
A Study of the Domestication and Early Form of Zea mays L., Kelsey L.S. Schreck
Anglo-Saxon and Viking Ship Burials as Demonstrations of Power and Status, Meagan Shirley
Written in Stone: Mortuary Analysis of the Cemetery in Athienou, Cyprus, Ashleigh Sims
Written In Stone: Mortuary Analysis of the Cemetery in Athienou, Cyprus, Ashleigh Sims
Department: Archaeology; Sociology and Anthropology
The Roman Military Industrial Complex: A Study of the Relationship of the Evolution of Roman Equipment And the Roman Economy, Owen Yeazell
The Roman Military Industrial Complex: A Study of the Relationship of the Evolution of Roman Equipment and the Roman Economy, Owen E. Yeazell
Department: Archaeology
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
What's for Dinner? An Exploration of the Nature of Aztec Cannibalism, Courtney Astrom
The Abandonment of Roman Britain in the Context of Collapse, Peregrine Grosch
An Analysis of the Innovative Methodology Used in the Exhumations of the Spanish Civil War, Allison Ham
The Prevalence of Goddess Sanctuaries in the Mesaoria Plain, Bianca Hand
A Preliminary Analysis of Epiclassical Burials at Cerro Megoni, Emily Kate
Changes in Anglo-Saxon Mortuary Practices Before and After Christian Conversion, Kathryn Libby
Gendering Ceramic Production in Hohokam Society, Anna Mazin
Monongahela Site Usage in the Late Prehistoric Period As Expressed in the 33ME61 Wansack Site (2-03), Jared Prestenbach
Department: Archaeology
Monongahela Site Usage in the Late Prehistoric Period as Expressed in the 33ME61 Wansack Site (2-03), Jared Prestenback
Mortuary Analysis of Athienou-Malloura, and the Rise of Social Complexity in Archaic Cyprus, Jim Torpy
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The Accuracy of the Ethnographic Data by La Page Du Pratz about the Natchez, Jensen Buchanan
Preservation of the Past: A Comparison of India and the United States, D. Claire Burns
Preserving the Past: A Comparison Between the United States and India, D. Claire Burns
Department: Archaeology
Sailing on the Edge: a World-Systems Analysis of Pirates and Privateers in the Atlantic and Caribbean in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Emily Butcher
Department: Archaeology
Mom, What Are We? Culture Contact Between Maya and Olmec in Pre-Columbian Honduras, Anarrubenia P. Capellin Ortega
Department: Archaeology
Journey to the New World: a World-Systems Approach to English Colonization at Jamestown, Catherine Gullett
Department: Archaeology
Journey to the New World: A World-Systems Approach to English Colonization at Jamestown, Catherine E. Gullett
Consumerism in the Caribbean: A Study of Consumer Trends within the British Colonial Caribbean, Christopher G. Haslam
Consumerism in the Caribbean: a Study of Consumer Trends Within the British Colonial Caribbean, Christopher Gordon Haslam
Department: Archaeology
Gift That Keeps on Giving: Exploring the Role of Scenes Involving the Offering of Gifts on Egyptian Non-Royal Coffins and Tombs, Renee Hennemann
Department: Archaeology; Art and Art History
The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Exploring the Role of Scenes Involving the Offering of Gifts on Egyptian Non-Royal Coffins and Tombs, Renee Hennemann
Off with Their Heads: The Use of Human Heads as Trophies in Central and South America, Katie Kowicki
Off With Their Heads: The Use of Human Heads as Trophies in Central and South America, Katie Kowicki
Department: Archaeology
Maize and Clay: An Evaluation of Human Dental Health from Preagricultural Subsistene, Claire Riggs Miller
Mom, What Are We? Culture Contact between Maya and Olmec in Pre-Columbian Honduras, Anarrubenia Capellin Ortega
Peripheral Settlement Flexibility: An Investigation of Philistine Culture Through World-Systems Ananlysis, Brian Porrett
Use-Wear Analysis of Monogahela Lithics from the Wansack Site, Jared Prestenbach
Mortuary Analysis of the Modern Cemetery in Athienou, Cyprus, Ashleigh Sims
Determining Site Usage of the Orange Township Earthworks in Highbanks Metropark, Delaware, Ohio: Chert and Lithic Analysis, Anastasia Wallace
Department: Archaeology
Determining Site Usage of the Orange Township Earthworks in Highbanks Metropark, Delaware, Ohio: Chert and Lithic Analysis, Anastasia Wallace
Why the Plumbata Replaced the Pilum in Rome: A Study of the Thrown Weapons, Pilum and Plumbata, Owen Yeazell
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The Man Who Would be King: Legitimization in Migration Period Germanic Vernacular Literature and Mortuary Contexts, W. Brett Arnold
Challenging Traditional History: A Proposal for Geophysical Investigation at the Historic Wildwood Estate in Beckley, West Virginia, Emily Butcher
The Historic Built Landscape of The College of Wooster: An Investigation into Architecture, Curriculum, and Memory, Jacob L. Dinkelaker
The Historic Built Landscape of The College of Wooster: An Investigation into Architecture, Curriculum, and Memory, Jacob L. Dinkelaker
Interpreting Royal Portrait Stelae as Political Strategy: An Analysis of Iconography and Social Competition at Tikal and Copan, Chelsea R. Fisher
First Century Judean Synagogue Architecture: How Understandings of Identity, Space, and the Sacred Influenced This Development, Derek Greeley
Department: Archaeology
First Century Judean Synagogue Architecture: How Understandings of Identity, Space, and the Sacred Influenced this Development, Derek Harry Greeley
An Evaluation of Jamestown's Participation in England's Trade Network, Catherine Gullett
Exploring the Significance of Puebloan Cylinder Jars: Evidence of Ancestor Veneration at Pueblo Bonito, Renee Hennemann
Maya Theatre States, Copan A Case Study, Anarrubenia Capellin Ortega
Leaving Their Mark: Processualism, Postprocessualism and the Classification of Native American Sacred Space, Rosalind Sawyer
Beyond Fragile Remanants: Counting the Fibers, Christopher W. Stelter
How Social Stratification Grew with the Polis, Christopher W. Stelter
Stewards of Their Own Lands: An Evaluation of Tribal Cultural and Historic Preservation Effectiveness, Sarah Tate
Department: Archaeology
Stewards of Their Own Lands: An Evaluation of Tribal Cultural and Historic Preservation Effectiveness, Sarah Tate
An Examination of the Technique of Pollen Analysis, Jon Theisen
Re-evaluating the Highbanks Metropark Orange Township Earthworks of Central Ohio, Anastasia Wallace
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Household Archaeology of the Frankish Period in Greece, Nicole R. Bethel
Spread of Buddhism: The Spread of Buddhism into China by Examining Buddhist Ritual Sites, Claire Burns
The Roman Lead Tesserae, Bill Dalzell
The Historic Freelander Department Store Building: A Case Study of Historic Preservation Practice in Wooster, Ohio, Jacob L. Dinkelaker
"Wait, Are We Related?" A Critical Analysis of the Neanderthals and the Ancestry of Modern Humans With Regard to the Child from Abrigo do Lagar Velho, Portugal, Dustin Ryan Gatrell
The Effects of Climate Change on the Hopewell Cultural Collapse, Will Hansen
A Comparison of Historical Records with the Archaeological Counterpart at Port Royal, Jamaica, Christopher G. Haslam
Put On Ice: A Topographical Analysis of Frozen Bone, Katie Kowicki
Shiny Rocks: Studying the Transition to Horticulture Using the Techniques of Microwear Analysis, Andrew Marley
Learners in Clay: Assessing Childhood Development and Skill Sets within Woodland Ceramic Manufacture, Erica Prange
Social Metaphors: An Analysis of Social Structure through a Study of Paracas Textile Motifs, Emma Schmitt
Social Metaphors: An Analysis of Social Structure through a Study of Paracas Textile Motifs, Emma Schmitt
Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic Sculpture in the Context of Greek Society, Benjamin Stone
This Land Was Made for You and Me: An Examination of Native Voice in Historic Preservation, Sarah Tate
The Kingship of Cleopatra VII: Examination of Imperial Propaganda, Elizabeth Terveer
Excavating Hallowed Ground: An Assessment of the State of American Civil War Battlefield Archaeology, Allison Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
The Manufacturing of Paints and the Mineral Trade in Ptolemaic Egypt: Analysis of Material From the Wooster Mummy, Jenna Arculeo
The La Tene and its Role in the Germanic People's Transition from Tribes to Chiefdoms, W. Brett Arnold
A Lasting Impression: The Huns in Europe, Stephen Conroy
The History of the Neanderthals and Where They Fit Into the Human Ancestral Sequence, Dustin Ryan Gatrell
The Collapse of the Hopewell Culture and its Relationship to Climate Change, Will Hansen
Guardian of the Good: The Iconography of the Good Shepard in the Roman Empire, Chloe Haven-Tietze
Experimental Lithic Microwear Analysis for Later Comparison with Artifacts from Rock Shelters in North-Central Ohio, Andrew Marley
Function or Style?: Ceramic Manufacturing Advances throughout the Woodland Period, Erica Prange