"The Historic Built Landscape of The College of Wooster: An Investigati" by Jacob L. Dinkelaker


Anderson, J. Heath

Second Advisor

Holt, Katherine


Archaeology; History

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis

1961 Rennovation before and after.m4v (18065 kB)
Kauke Hall 1961 renovation video

Construction of the University Library.m4v (26871 kB)
Details commencement of construction of library, Taylor Hall, and Memorial Chapel (video)

Ebert Art Today.m4v (17504 kB)
Ebert Art Center renovation (video)

Frick Hall today.m4v (26605 kB)
Interview with Donna Jacobs on Frick Hall renovation (video)

Kauke Hall Today.m4v (29715 kB)
Kauke Hall 2003 renovation video

McGaw Today.m4v (17574 kB)
Short video commenting on McGaw Chapel

Severance Gymnaium.m4v (10572 kB)
President Holden's remarks on Severance Gym (video)

The 60's - Dan Calhoun.m4v (68377 kB)
Interview with Daniel Calhoun on Wooster in 1960s (video)

The Birth of Kauke Hall.m4v (19894 kB)
Kauke Hall 1961 functions (video)

The Postcard.m4v (18922 kB)
Interview with Donna Jacobs on renovation of Frick Hall (video)

The University is Burning!.m4v (25912 kB)
Thoughts of Professor Gertrude Gingrich on university fire, 1901 (video)

Victor Christ Janer.m4v (13700 kB)
Explanation of Victor Christ Janer's (architect) thoughts when constructing McGaw Chapel (video)

Available for download on Thursday, January 01, 2150



© Copyright 2011 Jacob L. Dinkelaker