Archaeology | The College of Wooster Research | Open Works

Associate Professor - Classical Studies, Archaeology: Josephine Shaya

A major in archaeology comprises eight courses in perspective and methodology and six in a student's chosen area of emphasis. Within the Wooster archaeology major, areas of emphasis include anthropology, art, classical studies, history, or geology. Depending on their area of emphasis, majors who expect to make excavation a significant part of their careers have the additional option of participating in a field school prior to their senior year.

Recent IS topics in archaeology include an overview of the study of American Civil War battlefield archaeology, an examination of medieval walled towns in Co. Cork, Ireland, and a study into the manufacture of paints in Ptolemaic Egypt utilizing material from the "Wooster Mummy".

The Archaeology department is based in Kauke Hall.


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Archaeology Faculty Scholarship

Archaeology Senior Independent Study Theses