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"Housing challenges force Security move" reports on the need to house students in office spaces, as the Class of 2014 was too large. "Res-Life, Student Activities join forces" discusses the prospects of a shared office space between the two departments. "Smokestack dismantled over summer break" looks at the advantages and disadvantages of the switch from coal to natural gas on campus. The features section has the editors-in-chief giving start of the year advice and the possibility of a revamped menu in Lowry due to a new chef. In Arts and Entertainment, there is a lookback on Tame Impala's album Lonerism and "The Voice staff looks back on the summer," focusing on showcasing live events. In Sports, the Voice reports on new coaches in soccer, football, and tennis, the search for more students to join the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), and a spotlight on student athletes.

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campus housing, Residence life, Campus security, Rubbermaid, Culbertson-Slater, Luce Hall, Campus life, Student Activities, smokestack, natural gas, coal

Subject Heading

Dormitories; Coal; Natural gas; Industrial chimneys; Soccer; Football; Tennis

The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2013-08-30
