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In this last issue for the 2012-2013 academic year, the headline article is "Budget allocations cause major cuts to campus groups," reporting on the sweeping cuts made to multi-ethnic organizations. "Student group continues to combat rape culture on campus" discusses an event held to raise awareness for the problem of rape culture in and out of Wooster's campus. "Cornwell meets with students to talk tuition" looks at an event held in the Scot Center to address concerns made by students for raised tuition and budget cuts. In Viewpoints, the senior editors and writers of the Voice weigh in on their time at Wooster and their future. The Features section recognizes Wooster students in "Wooster excels at math and scientific modeling conpetition," and the article "Put Yourself in My Chair: Students advocate for disability awareness" looks at a wheelchair obstacle course to show the inaccessibility of parts of campus. Arts and Entertainment looks at Taylor Swift's tour and Senior I.S. Exhibitions. In Sports, there is an article on the first openly gay player in the NBA, as well as articles on women's lacrosse, softball, and baseball.

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budget, budgeting on campus, budget allocations, African student union, WAC, budget cuts, rape culture, sexual assault, tuition, tuition increases, Grant Cornwell, math competition, disability awareness, Taylor Swift, summer shows, Senior I.S., Ebert Hall, Jason Collins, lacrosse, softball, baseball

Subject Heading

Budget; Rape culture; Tuition; Disability awareness; Lacrosse; Softball; Baseball

The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2013-05-03
