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This edition of the College of Wooster's student run newspaper was published on April 25 of 2008 and it is eight pages long. Many buildings on campus have been recently renovated just in time for President Cornwell's inauguration. On April 17, the Beta Kappa Phi ran from Armington to the Progressive field (60 miles) with a baseball in hand to raise money for cancer research. This past week, Allies & Queers sponsored "7 Days of Gays" to promote homosexuality awareness. Recent alumna, Erin Schaffner '07, has had her research on tomato's published in a prestigious science journal. Junior Megan Connor is establishing a writing center at the Wooster High School. Some funny Independent Study titles are listed on page five. Athletic updates for the past week are highlighted on pages seven and eight.
Publication Date
The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
In Copyright
President Grant Cornwell, renovation, inauguration, Beta Kappa Phi, cancer, 60 mile pitch, Allies & Queers, 7 Days of Gays, Erin Schaffner, writing center, Wooster High School, Independent Study
College newspapers; College athletics; Independent study; Inauguration; Renovation (Architecture); Fundraisers; Cancer research
Recommended Citation
Editors, Wooster Voice, "The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2008-04-25" (2008). The Voice: 2001-2011. 193.