Physics Faculty Scholarship | Physics | The College of Wooster


Submissions from 2018

Hannay’s Hoop Beyond Asymptotics, Hwan Bae, Norah Ali, and John F. Lindner

Submissions from 2017

Dynamical coupling outperforms “majority wins” in organizing redundancy to mitigate noise, Behnam Kia, John F. Lindner, and William L. Ditto

Nonlinear dynamics as an engine of computation, Behnam Kia, John F. Lindner, and William L. Ditto

Implementing Boolean Functions in Hybrid Digital-Analog Systems, Vivek Kohar, Behnam Kia, John F. Lindner, and William L. Ditto

Genetic correlates of the development of theta event related oscillations in adolescents and young adults, Niklas Manz, David Chorlian, Madhavi Rangaswamy, Jacquelyn Meyers, Sun J. Kang, Chella Kamarajan, Ashwini Pandey, Jen-Chyong Wang, Leah Wetherill, Howard Edenberg, and Bernice Porjesz

A KCNJ6 gene polymorphism modulates theta oscillations during reward processing, Niklas Manz, Chella Kamarajan, Ashwini Pandey, David Chorlian, Arthur Stimus, Howard Edenberg, Leah Wetherill, Marc Schuckit, Jen-Chyong Wang, Samuel Kuperman, John Kramer, Jay Tischfield, and Bernice Porjesz

A genome wide association study of fast beta EEG in families of European ancestry, Niklas Manz, Jacquelyn Meyers, Madhavi Rangaswamy, Chella Kamarajan, Leah Wetherill, Sun J. Kang, Lance Bauer, Victor Hesselbrock, John Kramer, Samuel Kuperman, John Nurnberger Jr, Jay Tischfield, Jen-Chyong Wang, Howard Edenberg, Alison Goate, Tatiana Foroud, and Bernice Porjesz

An endophenotype approach to the genetics of alcohol dependence: a genome wide association study of fast beta EEG in families of African ancestry, Niklas Manz, Jacquelyn Meyers, J Zhang, Jen-Chyong Wang, J Su, S I. Kuo, M Kapoor, Leah Wetherill, S Bertelsen, D Lai, J E. Salvatore, Chella Kamarajan, David Chorlian, A Agrawal, L Almasy, Lance Bauer, K K. Bucholz, G Chan, Victor Hesselbrock, L Koganti, John Kramer, Samuel Kuperman, Ashwini Pandey, M Seay, D Scott, R E. Taylor, D M. Dick, Howard Edenberg, Alison Goate, Tatiana Foroud, and Bernice Porjesz

A wind-powered one-way bistable medium with parity effects, Tessa Rosenberger, Graham L. Schattgen, Matthew C. King-Smith, Prakrit Shrestha, Katsuo J. Maxted, and John F. Lindner


Observation of Interaction of Spin and Intrinsic Orbital Angular Momentum of Light, Dashiell L.P. Vitullo, Cody Leary, Patrick Gregg, Roger A. Smith, Dileep V. Reddy, Siddharth Ramachandran, and Michael G. Raymer

Submissions from 2016

Harvesting wind energy to detect weak signals using mechanical stochastic resonance, Barbara J. Breen, Jillian G. Rix, Samuel J. Ross, Yue Yu, John F. Lindner, Nathan Mathewson, Elliot Wainwright, and Ian Wilson

A Simple Nonlinear Circuit Contains an Infinite Number of Functions, Behnam Kia, John F. Lindner, and William L. Ditto

Superlinearly scalable noise robustness of redundant coupled dynamical systems, Vivek Kohar, Behnam Kia, John F. Lindner, and William L. Ditto

Role of network topology in noise reduction using coupled dynamics, Vivek Kohar, Sarvenaz Kia, Behnam Kia, John F. Lindner, and William L. Ditto

Simple nonlinear models suggest variable star universality, John F. Lindner, Vivek Kohar, Behnam Kia, Michael Hippke, John G. Learned, and William L. Ditto

Delta, theta, and alpha event-related oscillations in alcoholics during Go/NoGo task: Neurocognitive deficits in execution, inhibition, and attention processing, Niklas Manz, Ashwini Pandey, Chella Kamarajan, David Chorlian, Arthur Stimus, and Bernice Porjesz

Submissions from 2015

Pulsation period variations in the RRc Lyrae star KIC 5520878, Michael Hippke, John G. Learned, A. Zee, William H. Edmondson, John F. Lindner, and Behnam Kia

Coupling Reduces Noise: Applying Dynamical Coupling to Reduce Local White Additive Noise, Behnam Kia, Sarvenaz Kia, John F. Lindner, Sudeshna Sinha, and William L. Ditto

Nonlinear dynamics based digital logic and circuits, Behnam Kia, John F. Lindner, and William L. Ditto

Strange Nonchaotic Stars, John F. Lindner, Vivek Kohar, Behnam Kia, Michael Hippke, John G. Learned, and William L. Ditto

Submissions from 2014

Order and chaos in the rotation and revolution of two massive line segments, Andrew Blaikie, Alex Saines, Matthew Fritz Schmitthenner, Maggie E. Lankford, R. Drew Pasteur, and John F. Lindner

Noise tolerant spatiotemporal chaos computing, Behnam Kia, Sarvenaz Kia, John F. Lindner, Sudeshna Sinha, and William L. Ditto

Watch Your Step: Integrating Nonlinear Dynamical Flows by Stepping Through Space and Time, Behnam Kia, John F. Lindner, and William L. Ditto


Unified dynamics of electrons and photons via Zitterbewegung and spin-orbit interaction, Cody Leary and Karl H. Smith

Simple and inexpensive stereo vision system for 3D data acquisition, Samuel Mermall and John F. Lindner

Submissions from 2013

Artificial Gravity Field, Larry C. Markley and John F. Lindner

Submissions from 2012

Quantum Gravity on a Laptop: 1+1 Dimensional Causal Dynamical Triangulation Simulation, Norman S. Israel and John F. Lindner

Avalanches on a Conical Bead Pile: Scaling with Tuning Parameters, Susan Y. Lehman, Elizabeth Baker, Howard A. Henry, Andrew J. Kindschuh, Larry C. Markley, Megan B. Browning, Mary E. Mills, and R. Michael Winters

Submissions from 2011

Electronic and Mechanical Realizations of One-Way Coupling in One and Two Dimensions, B. J. Breen, A. B. Doud, J. R. Grimm, A. H. Tanasse, S. J. Tanasse, John F. Lindner, and Katsuo J. Maxted

The Role of Zoos in Fostering Environmental Identity, Susan Clayton, J. Fraser, and C. Burgess

Induced Smectic Phases in Phase Diagrams of Binary Nematic Liquid Crystal Mixtures, T. Huang, Kathleen M. McCreary, Shila Garg, and T. Kyu

Multi-Wavelength Observations of a Sample of Intermediate-Luminosity Radio-Loud Active Galaxies, Karen T. Lewis, R. M. Sambruna, E. Angelakis, M. Eracleous, C. C. Cheung, and M. Kadler

Submissions from 2010

Order and Chaos in the Rotation and Revolution of a Line Segment and a Point Mass, John F. Lindner, Jacob E. Lynn, Frank W. King, and Amanda Logue

Measurements of the Quantum-Confined Conduction Band Energy in the Wetting Layer Surrounding Individual in 0.4 Ga0.6 as Quantum Dots by Cross-Sectional Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy, C. Marginean, J. P. Pelz, Susan Y. Lehman, and J. G. Cederberg

Tracking the Stars, Sun, and Moon to Connect with the Universe, Todd C. McAlpine, Corwin Atwood-Stone, Travis Brown, and John F. Lindner