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This pamphlet was printed in the year 1604 in London by Richard Field for a fellow named Thomas Chard. It is encompassed of forty-eight pages that are discolored and stained from time. The title is a statement of what the pamphlet will be about: the necessity of a happy union between England and Scotland. It is addressed to the King James who is king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland. The final four pages with text are of "The Objections." The author discusses four 'objections': common reason, law, intercourse, and reputation.
Publication Date
London, England
Kingdom of England, Kingdom of Scotland, union, James I, James VI
Notestein, Wallace, 1878-1969; England; Scotland; James I, King of England, 1566-1625; James VI, King of Scotland, 1566-1625; Great Britain -- History -- Early Stuarts, 1603-1649; England -- Foreign relations -- Scotland -- Early works to 1800; Scotland -- Foreign relations -- England -- Early works to 1800; Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1603-1625
Recommended Citation
"A Discovrse Plainely Proving the Euident Vtilitie and Vrgent Necessitie of the Desired Happie Vnion of the Two Famous Kingdomes of England and Scotland : By Way of Answer to Certaine Objections Against the Same" (1604). English Historical Library of Wallace Notestein. 6.

The College of Wooster Special Collections
Library Catalog Record
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