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This is a text by English lawyer Nicholas Fuller, published in the year 1607. The writings detail the legal case of Thomas Lad and Richard Maunsell vs. the Ecclesiastical Commissioners who charged the men with refusing to take the ex officio oath. Fuller sets out to prove, through this text, that the Ecclesiastical Commissioners do not have the power to imprison individuals, as they did with Lad and Maunsell. Fuller makes five points in his argument to prove stance.
Publication Date
London, England
Nicholas Fuller, early law, early English law, Thomas Lad, Richard Maunsell, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Common lawes of England, Ex-Officio Oath, Wallace Notestein, early history of law, London Parliament, the Court of High Commission, prerogative law, Member of Parliament in London
Fuller, Nicholas, 1543-1620; Law--Great Britain--Early works to 1800; Great Britain. Laws, etc. (Laws of the earliest English kings); Lad, Thomas; Mansell, Richard, active 17th century; England and Wales. Lords Commissioners to Inspect Ecclesiastical Affairs; England and Wales. Court of High Commission; Oaths; Notestein, Wallace, 1878-1969; Member of Parliament in London; Lad, Thomas -- Trials, litigation, etc; Mansell, Richard, active 17th century -- Trials, litigation, etc. -- Early works to 1800; Church and state -- Church of England -- Early works to 1800; Ecclesiastical law -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800
Recommended Citation
"The Argument of Master Nicholas Fuller in the Case of Thomas Lad and Richard Maunsell, His Clients : Wherein It Is Plainely Proved, That the Ecclesiasticall Commissioners Have No Power, by Vertue of Their Commission, to Imprison, to Put to the Oath Ex Officio, or to Fine Any of His Majesties Subjects" (1607). English Historical Library of Wallace Notestein. 5.

The College of Wooster Special Collections
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