"Professionals' Perceptions Regarding the Knowledge, Components and Mat" by Elizabeth Striegl


The purpose of the study was to determine what type of services clinicians were providing to adult cochlear implant (CI) recipients post-implantation, as well as, on clinicians' opinions regarding the amount of services being provided to adults, and the main components of an adult CI program and what were perceived to be the most effective components of adult CI programs. The specific research question being asked was: what resources are being provided to adult cochlear implant recipients post-implantation, and how much knowledge do providers believe they have in the development and implementation of effective audiologic rehabilitation procedures for these adults. A survey was distributed to 108 potential participants located through Cochlear Americas' website list of CI centers in the United States. Of those 108 contacts 21 self-selected professionals participated in the research. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the surveys was completed. Results revealed that there is a belief in a lack of adequate services for adult CI recipients, and a lack of knowledge about how to conduct adult AR with CI recipients. Additionally, results indicated that there are certain components of adult CI AR that are believed to be most important and most often included in CI AR programs with adults.


Goldberg, Don


Communication Studies


Speech Pathology and Audiology


cochlear implant, audiologic rehabilition, adult, clinicians

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2012 Elizabeth Striegl