"Visual Looming Cues Increases The Auditory Looming Bias" by Maggie K. McCracken


Looming objects have been environmentally relevant cues throughout human evolution due to potential danger. Observers integrate both auditory and visual signals emitted by moving objects. While visual arrival time estimates are relatively more accurate, auditory estimates are anticipatory as observers perceive a moving sound source as arriving before it actually does. In the present study, participants made loudness change judgments of sounds presented unimodally or with visual motion. The sounds consisted of two intensity ranges and conditions included both looming and receding motion. The results showed that listeners perceived looming sounds as changing more in loudness than equivalent receding sounds. Sounds were also perceived to change more when presented with coincident visual stimuli. The influence of visual information on auditory perception was greater in the receding conditions. These findings demonstrate that the perception of auditory loudness change is susceptible to alterations in the visual domain. The present study also provides additional evidence supporting an adaptive bias in the perception and integration of looming objects.


Neuhoff, John




Cognition and Perception | Cognitive Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis Exemplar



© Copyright 2022 Maggie K. McCracken