"What Choice Do I Have? An Investigation into Audiologists' Knowledge a" by Meghan Badge


This study investigated the knowledge of educational audiologists and pediatric audiologists regarding modes of communication for children with hearing loss. Questions addressed the knowledge about and comfort level explaining the modes of communication, as well as additional aspects of communication choice such as informed decision making, desired outcomes, and the influence of the audiologists. The quantitative research method was distributed via several audiology organizations and audiology departments in major U.S. children’s hospitals. This study found that there was no overall difference between the level of knowledge regarding five modes of communication, however, pediatric audiologists were more knowledgeable about the Auditory-Verbal approach and Cued Speech. Another finding of this study was that pediatric audiologists were significantly more familiar with informed decision making in health decisions. A majority of the audiologists reported that parents are choosing a Listening and Spoken Language option for their child with hearing loss. One major implication of this study was the expressed need for a greater understanding that every child with hearing loss is different, therefore, not one mode of communication is “correct” for every child. It is important that all audiologists understand the magnitude of the decision regarding communication choice for children with hearing loss, as well as knowing how to support families in making the “best” decision for their child and family.


Goldberg, Donald


Communication Sciences and Disorders


Speech and Hearing Science | Speech Pathology and Audiology


hearing loss in children, modes of communication, communication options, communication choices, pediatric audiologists, educational audiologists

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2021 Meghan Badge