"The Experience of Black Police Officers and an Examination of whether " by Camryn Pollard


Have you ever thought about how Black people feel when they are behind the badge? What about how the Black community views those officers? This independent study looks at both questions. Literature on policing, race, culture and location are explored as are relevant theories including double consciousness, labeling, and critical race theory. To collect data, I interviewed four police officers and sent out a survey throughout Black organizations and workplaces with specific questions. From the interviews, the Black officers spoke on never regretting becoming an officer and most importantly, doing it to not only help their community but also to provide the right information to their white peers. I found that the majority of the Black community supports Black police officers, although most do not want to become one themselves.


Nurse, Anne


Sociology and Anthropology


Social and Behavioral Sciences

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2021 Camryn Pollard