
The purpose of this study was to examine the portrayal of race in African American producer Jordan Peele’s film Us. Using critical analysis techniques guided by Critical Race Theory this study found that Peele’s film Us, with the use of doppelgangers, highlights three main processes of othering: the other as foreign, the other as monster, and the other as unfree. Additionally, the film provides a clear focus on the other within oneself, allowing Usto function as a social critique of life in the United States. Real-world implications in Usand Peele’s use of symbolism solidified the film’s place in the New Black Realism genre. Furthermore, with his second film Us, Jordan Peele solidifies his place in the horror genre while also exposing societal issues that hinder Black People and people of color. However, Peele shares a clear message with the film: the solution to the problem begins with a look in the mirror because the problem starts with us.


Singh, Rohini


Communication Studies


African American Studies | Other Film and Media Studies


Us, monstrosity, race, film, othering, doppelganger

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



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