"Miguel de Cervantes, Platón, y Francisco Goya: La Conexión entre la Fa" by Dezmond A. Morrow


The purpose of this study is to analyze, in more depth, the correlations of perception and reality that can be found in ancient Greek philosophy, the artistic work of Francisco Goya, and the literary work of Miguel de Cervantes. Further, this study will attempt to encompass the idea of human existence and its applications to Don Quijote de La Mancha de Cervantes. The running hypothesis is that our perception reflects our reality. Each of these individuals utilized their own perceptions to create inanimate manifestations of what they perceive. Since the years before Christ to post Renaissance and even after, the idea of perception, reality, and knowledge have been assimilated to mirroring imagery, self-deception, self-control, awareness, and ultimately, who has control of these things. How and why? Also, do we have control or are there other external forces at play that we do or do not have awareness of? Using the introduced works, this study will attempt to answer these questions.


Cope, Brian




Perception, Reality, Awareness, Madness

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2021 Dezmond A. Morrow