"Did I Do That? Trade Effects on Player-Team Relationships" by DeShaun Jones


his study investigates the relationship of a player’s versatility index on a team’s change in win percentage change before and after the trade. I looked at single player trades over the course of 10 seasons in the NBA. I find that the player’s versatility index was not significant in the change in win percentage. Looking at total change in win percentage, a player being an Allstar significantly impacted a team’s winning percentage negatively. A second look at change in home win percentage finds that teams trading for a player significantly increases a team’s home win percentage. These findings help to take a further look at how a player can impact a team’s performance in season, as well as what are the best ways to maximize the value created between a player and team match. I argue that further research into the intricacies of in season trades can uncover exactly how beneficial trades are for players and teams involved, as trades continue to happen every season.


Moledina, Amyaz


Business Economics


Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Econometrics | Economic Theory | Sports Studies


Versatility Index, Matching Model, Reputation, NBA, Trades, Maximum Score Estimator

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2021 DeShaun Jones