
I am investigating how minority students of color find cancel culture (boycotting a brand or celebrity) to be a beneficial or harmful form of social media activism. I situate social media as a networked public and discuss how consumer activism meets social media activism, specifically on Twitter, to create cancel culture. My study includes results from a combination of a focus group and individual interviews that discuss topics of social media use, participation in cancel culture and activism involvement. This study provides a definition of cancel culture through the perspectives of generation Z social media users and discusses the duality in which cancel culture is a form of social media activism but also contributes to creating a spiral of silence online.


Nikoi, Nii

Second Advisor

Ahmet Atay


Communication Studies


Digital Humanities | Film and Media Studies | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Rhetoric and Composition


Cancel culture, STOPs Theory, Spiral of Silence, Social media, Twitter, Activism, Consumer culture

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis Exemplar



© Copyright 2020 Korri E. Palmer