Alternative Title

Le travail des organisations de défense des droits des animaux en France et aux États-Unis


The purpose of this study was to examine how varying demographics among French and American populations responded to three types of frames used by animal rights organizations: ethical, environmental, and health related. A two by three experimental design in which participants saw two images corresponding to one of the three frames was distributed. The survey measured each respondent’s political opinions, emotional response, and behavioral response through self-designed scales. The study finds that culture and political ideologies play a significant role in influencing frame response, such that the French respondents were more emotionally and behaviorally influenced than Americans, and that liberals are more emotionally and behaviorally influenced than conservatives. More specifically, the research also finds that the environmental and ethical frames were significantly different in evoking emotional responses, while the health frame was not. Additionally, the frame effect was significant for emotional response but not for behavioral response. Animal rights organizations should have an understanding of those that will see their campaigns and should adjust the frame accordingly.


Duval, Marion

Second Advisor

Zhu, Yi


Communication Studies; French and Francophone Studies


Communication | French and Francophone Language and Literature | International and Intercultural Communication | Other French and Francophone Language and Literature


animal rights organizations, vegan, vegetarian, United States, France, droits des animaux, régime végétalien, régime végétarien, États-Unis, France

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis Exemplar



© Copyright 2020 Alysa Tarrant