
The purpose of the study was to investigate Audiologists’ and collegiate Athletic Trainers’ familiarity with and understanding of labyrinthine concussions. The study also explored the clinical practices of Audiologists and the audiological management they implement for those who have sustained a labyrinthine concussion. Similarly, the study also investigated the practices of Athletic Trainers and the treatment they implement for individuals diagnosed with a labyrinthine concussion. The quantitative method of survey research was used to investigate the purpose of the study. A major finding indicated that Audiologists had an overall higher familiarity with labyrinthine concussions when compared to Athletic Trainers. Also, both Athletic Trainers and Audiologists appeared to have specific knowledge and understanding of how to diagnose and treat labyrinthine concussions. One of the main implications of this study is that there needs to more investigation and study in the field of Athletic Training in order to help familiarize these Athletic Trainers and allow them to have an even better understanding of labyrinthine concussions. This study also found that it is important that both of these groups of professionals have an improved understanding of this disorder and other concussion types, so affected patients/athletes can receive needed care and treatment.


Goldberg, Donald


Communication Sciences and Disorders


Speech Pathology and Audiology


Labyrinthine concussion, concussion, vestibular/balance, Athletic Trainers, Audiologists, Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL)

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2020 Jake Stewart