"AgriCulture: Selective Strategies One Cooperatives Uses as a Mediator " by Elizabeth Stanis


This research set out to determine how Green Field Farms, an Amish-run farming cooperative, serves as a mediator between cultural traditions and larger economic pressures for the cooperative’s produce growers. By working with Green Field Farms, I focused my research to the Lodi and Holmes County settlements in Ohio. I conducted a case study, using interviews and participant observation, to determine the role of Green Field Farms and the cooperative’s effectiveness in its role. This research draws on the theoretical works of James Scott, Philip McMichael, and Jan Douwe van der Ploeg. Their research shows that as the occupational role of a farmer continues to change with the increased industrialization of agriculture, the line between a farmer and a peasant becomes ever more complicated. Theory and previous literature also explain strategies used by farmers navigate the agricultural marketplace. Green Field Farms acts as a mediator between its farmers and some outside economic and governmental pressures and expectations, by providing marketing and trucking services, conducting workshops, and handling buyers. This study poses an interesting example of how grower co-ops can help meet their members’ needs. Green Field Farms may be set up specifically to function for Amish farmers, but its organizational strategies may be transferable to cooperatives that serve non-Amish, specifically developing trust, working to help growers, and meeting market demands.


McConnell, David


Sociology and Anthropology


Amish, Agriculture, Cooperatives, Organic

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2020 Elizabeth Stanis