
This Independent Study is an examination of the role, both existing and potential, of rural and agricultural workers in 21st century anti-capitalism and how it varies and becomes entangled across borders. To do this, I use a case study of La Via Campesina (LVC), a grassroots transnational agrarian movement operating in 81 different countries that is explicitly anti-capitalist. I use ethnographic methods of formal interviews and participant-observation to procure original research on the predominant member organizations of two countries, the United States’ Rural Coalition and Nicaragua’s Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo (ATC). I provide a review of literature regarding the historical formation and precedents of LVC itself and peasant anti-capitalism more broadly, as well as a theoretical analysis of Marxist texts held up to contemporary peasant realities. My study posits that a movement of peasant anti-capitalism must encompass both a frame of building material and ideological resiliency, which is inherently local, and a frame of leveraging material and ideological resistance, which is inherently global.


Mariola, Matthew


Sociology and Anthropology


Inequality and Stratification | Politics and Social Change | Rural Sociology


La Via Campesina, capitalism, anti-capitalism, peasant

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2020 Robyn O. Newcomb