"Examining How Social Perception and Society Affect the Construction of" by Maria E. Garza


This interview-based research project examines how social perception and society affect the self-identities of both documented and undocumented Latinx young adults in the Trump era. This study includes literature that hits on ideas related to the self, immigration politics, and how the Trump administration has affected the young adults in the Latinx community. I conducted 10 interviews with respondents being both documented and undocumented Latinx young adults at the College of Wooster. Themes that were highlighted in this study were those that were present in every interview, and were separated into three sections: 1) the limitations that respondents faced under the Trump administration and the right they have to succeed, 2) the way Trump has influenced the United States with his negative rhetoric towards immigration, and 3) the ways the Trump administration has affected the self-identities of Latinx young adults. These themes are analyzed which provide evidence that the self-identities of undocumented and documented Latinx young adults aren’t negatively affected under the Trump administration. I focus on the goals and ambitions of my respondents, their hopes for the future, and their motivation to keep fighting.


Navarro-Farr, Olivia


Sociology and Anthropology


Inequality and Stratification

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2019 Maria E. Garza