"The Effect of Promotional Events on Gameday Attendance for Major Leagu" by Jake Stuursma


This paper investigates the influence of promotional events on attendance at major league baseball games. The hypothesis is that all promotional events will have a positive influence on attendance but with varying levels of impact. This paper constructs a regression model to determine the impact of promotional events on attendance based on the number of fans they attract. The promotional events were broken down into six categories: low value merchandise giveaway, high value merchandise giveaway, bobblehead giveaway, fireworks, food and drink discounts, and other forms of entertainment. It is anticipated that other factors will play a part in determining attendance, so many other control variables are added to the regression equation to best isolate the impact of the promotional events. The regression yielded expected results with all promotional events having a positive impact on attendance. Fireworks was largely the favorite promotional event increasing attendance on average by over 4,000 fans. Food and drink discounts had the smallest impact increasing attendance by just under 1,500 fans.


Burnell, James


Business Economics


Advertising and Promotion Management | Sports Management

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2019 Jake Stuursma