"Predictors of Cultural Threat in Class Selection" by Alexandra K. Pacheco


This study examined possible predictors of cultural threat in the selection of collegiate level Cultural Difference courses. Race/ethnicity, estimated family contribution (EFC), cumulative grade point average (GPA), and gender were the factors utilized to predict if certain students would take a higher threat course or lower threat course. Cultural Difference courses from the College of Wooster course catalogue were rated by a mean threat score. The first hypothesis was race/ethnicity and EFC will be significant predictors for the selection of high or low threat courses. The second hypothesis was that white students will have higher threat scores than students of color. The third hypothesis was that students with higher EFC will have taken courses with higher threat scores and students with lower EFC will have taken courses with lower threat scores. Results showed significant and positive correlations for gender and GPA on threat level. There were no significant correlations for race/ethnicity or EFC. According to the results, GPA and gender can be significant predictors of class selection.


Garcia, Amber




Social Psychology


intergroup anxiety, cultural threat, EFC

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2018 Alexandra K. Pacheco