"Resilience in STEM Students: An Analysis of the Demographic, Intrapers" by Catherine B. Kuzmishin


This study is interested in the relationship between students of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and resilience. Specifically, this study aims to identify demographic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal predictors of resilience in STEM students. It was hypothesized that coping would mediate the relationship between anxiety and STEM students’ resilience. Data was collected to determine the predictors of resilience. There was no difference in STEM and non-STEM students’ resilience. With males demonstrating slightly higher resilience than females, however there were no racial group differences in resilience. Hierarchical linear regression analysis revealed that locus of causality significantly predicted resilience, specifically, that STEM students with higher resilience assigned less blame to themselves for STEM failures. Future research should use personality assessments, measures of grit, focus on attribution, and cognitive functioning to better understand the relationship between STEM students and resilience.


Thelamour, Barbara



Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis Exemplar



© Copyright 2018 Catherine B. Kuzmishin