"“College Is Over, What Now?”: An Analysis of the Returns to Human Capi" by Soham Desai


The investment in human capital has been known to increase the productivity of the worker and has led to higher returns in comparison to those with lower levels of schooling. Over the years, there has been a massive influx of international students in the United States. The aim of this study is to analyse the returns to post-college investment in human capital with a special focus on immigrants with U.S. schooling. The appropriate empirical form of testing used was OLS regression with the Mincer Specification. The results suggest that higher levels of education lead to higher wages. Furthermore, immigrants with U.S. schooling tend to earn higher wages than U.S.-born individuals. The difference in the wage gap is primarily attributable to differences in levels of schooling between the two groups.


Jia, Emily


Business Economics


Econometrics | Economic Theory | Growth and Development | Income Distribution | Labor Economics

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



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