"Examining the Efficiency of "Superman": The Comparision of Efficiency " by Brittany Harris


This paper addresses the growing question of charter school efficiency and the production higher academic achievement than traditional public schools. While it is popular belief that charter schools are more efficient and should produce higher academic achievement than traditional public schools for students, it is not always true. Charter schools are public, non-tuition schools that operate separately from the traditional public school district located primarily in urban areas. Although theory supports the belief that charter schools are superior to traditional public schools, various literature show evidence that charter schools only have a small positive impact on academic achievement and are not more efficient. Academic achievement, in this study, is measured using fourth grade Ohio Assessment Tests from 2010-2011using OLS. This study suggests that while charter schools may have higher academic achievement, they are only more efficient with the teacher input in Ohio and peer effects have a greater impact on students' academic achievement.


Burnell, James




Education Policy | Public Affairs


education, charter schools, efficiency, academic achievement

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2013 Brittany Harris