"Rethinking Recovery: Women’s Experiences of Self-Efficacy in Court-San" by Sarah Onyx E. Marosi


Self-efficacy, defined as one’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task, has been shown to predict positive chemical dependency treatment outcomes. Despite its beneficial qualities, few treatment programs address or monitor client self-efficacy. Detailing the clinical significance of power and gender socialization on women’s substance abuse, feminist critiques of classic chemical dependency treatment models are reviewed. The purpose of this study was to examine women’s experiences of self-efficacy while receiving court-sanctioned chemical dependency treatment. Women’s self-efficacy was assessed using a modified version of the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE). Exposure to trauma, perceived responsibility for others, and relationship status served as predictors for women’s GSE scores. A total of 28 participants completed a survey and/or interview that contained assessments of demographics, treatment effectiveness, professional support, and general self-efficacy. It was predicted that trauma exposure and perceived responsibility for others would be negatively correlated with self-efficacy while being in an on-going romantic and/or sexual relationship and professional support would be positively correlated with self-efficacy. The study also hypothesizes that the frequency in which the three predictors of self-efficacy are discussed in women’s current chemical dependency treatment program would be low. Results from the study bring attention to the questionable validity of current self-efficacy measures and suggest that professional support is not significantly correlated with women’s self-efficacy. Future research should continue to investigate the effectiveness of court-sanctioned chemical dependency treatment and work to improve the validity of self-efficacy assessments.


Garcia, Amber

Second Advisor

Craven, Christa


Psychology; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Community-Based Research | Counseling Psychology | Criminology and Criminal Justice | Other Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Substance Abuse and Addiction | Women's Studies


Court-Sanctioned, Chemical Dependency, Substance Abuse, Self-Efficacy

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2017 Sarah Onyx E. Marosi