
There are a large number of studies on video games and executive function, but overall the results are inconsistent. The goal of this study was to determine if the age people start playing video games and the genres of games they play have an impact on performance on tests of executive function that could explain the discrepancies in the literature. Participants filled out a questionnaire and performed two tasks: a modified Stroop Task and the ANT task. There were no significant differences found between video game players and non-video game players. Players who began playing earlier did not differ from players who began later in life. There was not significant data indicating genre has an overall effect. Data did show a trend of better reaction times on the tasks for individuals who began playing between the ages of 7-11 as compared to those who began between the ages of 12-16. Both of these groups also had faster reaction times than the non-players. Results suggest no benefits to executive function from playing video games, but reaction time may be improved.


Gillund, Gary




Cognitive Psychology | Developmental Psychology | Psychology


video games, executive function, Stroop Task, Attention Network Task-Flanker Task, age, development

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2017 Aubrey A. Gealy