"A Study of Rising Gentrification and Resisting Displacement in Two Ga" by Saralyn R. Abrams


How does a neighborhood maintain its identity in the face of gentrification and is it possible for them to resist gentrification? This research aims to answer this question by supplementing existing studies on gay neighborhoods (often called gayborhoods). Most neighborhoods, including gay neighborhoods, have community organizations that work to strengthen their community, by focusing on providing affordable housing and changing applicable local, state, and national legislation, to name a few. This research evaluates variables that measure gay neighborhoods’ abilities to maintain their communities. These variables are: the level of competition among community organizations, the amount of local government support for the community organizations and the neighborhoods in general, the level of tolerance in the city, the effect of post-industrial growth on the city’s downtown, and the level of displacement in the neighborhoods. The synergy of these variables helps determine how successful gay neighborhoods are in resisting gentrification in their neighborhoods.

This research focuses on two case studies: the Chelsea neighborhood in New York City, and The Castro neighborhood in San Francisco. Both are known as gay neighborhoods, and both experience new development and a rising cost of living from 1980 to 2010. After analyzing the five variables, including analysis of Census data, the research concludes that both neighborhoods experienced the threat of gentrification over time. However, The Castro was more able to resist displacement from population changes over time.


Moskowitz, Eric


Urban Studies


Urban Studies and Planning

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2017 Saralyn R. Abrams