"A Machine Learning Approach To Understanding Against Party-Line Voting" by John W. O'Neill


For the majority of votes that take place in Congress, over 90% of legislators' votes can be explained purely by ideology. In years when no party has a significant majority, party unity becomes imperative in the scope of advancing the party's agenda. Various theories seek to explain congressional voting behavior as a catch-all approach, and often fail to further our understanding of the inconsistencies in voting behavior. Our lack of understanding of against party-line voting hinders our ability to explain and predict voting behavior. This project seeks to utilize various machine learning techniques to gain a better understanding of what causes against party-line voting in Congress.


van Doorn, Bas

Second Advisor

Visa, Sofia


Computer Science; Political Science


American Politics


machine learning, congressional voting, party line, voting behavior

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2017 John W. O'Neill