"Intelligent Decision-Making: The Use of Intelligence in the United Sta" by Thomas David Fitz Gibbon


This study examines the role of intelligence in the foreign policy decision-making processes of the executive branch of the United States government regarding crises related to foreign policy and national security related matters. Intelligence that is provided by the external information environment is processed into decision-making by the administrative structure, which is created through the leadership style of the President of the United States. Therefore, the impact of the Presidential leadership style on the administrative structure and the way that the administrative structure is created and managed determine how intelligence factors into a final decision regarding a foreign policy crisis. This study finds that a President’s need for control of the decision-making process, their level of experience with foreign policy and national security, as well as their cognitive complexity determine how the administrative structure processes intelligence from the external information environment.


Kille, Kent

Second Advisor

Moskowitz, Eric


Political Science

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2017 Thomas David Fitz Gibbon