"Gender Differences in Unemployment: the Effects of Human Capital, Occu" by Brandin Bozsik


The purpose of this paper is to explore the unemployment differences between men and women in the labor force. More importantly this study will explore whether or not occupational segregation and household location affect the probabilities of men and women to be unemployed, differently. The hypothesis of this study is not only that occupational segregation will more negatively affect women's probabilities of being unemployed compared to men but also that occupational segregation is caused by females' decision to choose human capital that will lead them into typically female jobs, and that spatial mismatch increases occupational segregation and the probability of unemployment. This study finds that there is some evidence to support that occupational segregation is a factor in increasing the probability of being unemployed but it is similar for both men and women. This study also finds evidence to support that the types of human capital individuals choose affects occupational segregation. In addition this study also finds some evidence to suggest that household location and household location compared to work location affects unemployment and occupational segregation.


Burnell, Barbara


Business Economics

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2011 Brandin Bozsik