"The Way You Do the Things You Do: An Analysis of Major League Basebal" by Patrick J. Zimmerman


This Independent Study titled "'The Way You Do the Things You Do': An Analysis of Major League Baseball Owners' Ticket Pricing Decisions", seeks to analyze MLB owner ticket pricing decisions. It specifically looks at the league as a whole and also some specific teams in extreme situations. The goal of this paper is to analyze factors affecting these teams that have an impact on their owner's ticket pricing decisions. Previous literature points out that there are factors specific to certain teams and situations which affect an owner's ticket pricing decisions. The data gathered for this paper examines city demographics, complementary goods, and economic, stadium and team characteristics in order to determine what impact the factors have on owner's ticket pricing decisions. This study examines an OLS linear regression and two-stage least squares model, while obtaining significant results.


Guirat, Mehdi


Business Economics

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2009 Patrick J. Zimmerman