"Improving Oral Health Behaviors: Effects of Personality, Message Frami" by Samantha J. Gaeta


The purpose of the current study was to analyze effects of personality, message framing, and planning strategies on flossing behavior. Participants (undergraduate students, N=65) completed a measure of motivation orientation (the BIS/BAS scales) and then were given either a gain-framed or loss-framed health message promoting dental flossing. Students were then randomly assigned to a planning condition to create planning strategies for flossing or a no planning condition. Results showed no indication of main effects or interactions. However, further analysis indicated that participants overall increased in their rate of flossing after participating in the current study. These findings suggest that messages, regardless of how they are presented, have some effect on individuals flossing behavior. Research on improving oral health care should continue because the lack of flossing continues to be a health issue.


Gillund, Gary




Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2016 Samantha J. Gaeta