"So Many Skills, So Little Time: The Notion of Craft in the Creation of" by Zoe H. Madden


In the complex world of theatrical prop and costume building, the art of crafting itself frequently becomes lost in the fury of time and budget constraints. Short-cuts are often taken, be they method or material, but at the cost of craft for time. On top of this notion, unexpected problems can arise within a production schedule and, to an unprepared craftsperson, these lead to more delays and short cuts. Rather, the knowledgeable craftsperson should understand the close relationship between obstacles and the solutions that can be attained while exploring the use of new resources.

With the rapid advancements in technology, innovative materials continue to become widely available. However, regardless of fancy tools, certain crafting methods remain crucial to the creation of props and costumes. By way of merging both modern and older processes in creating three self-designed costumes and properties, a study into the nature of “craft” and what it means to be a “craftsperson” will be conducted.


Seeds, Dale


Theatre and Dance


Fiber, Textile, and Weaving Arts | Interdisciplinary Arts and Media | Other Theatre and Performance Studies


Costumes, Properties, Props, Theatre, Theatrical costumes, theatrical props, costume design, prop design, prosthetics, armor, molding and casting

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2016 Zoe H. Madden